Faculty Seed Grant Application Instructions
The sections below provide detailed instructions for the submission of seed grant applications.
Any additional questions should be directed to Kyla.Welch@utah.edu
Please upload the proposal narrative in a single PDF.
The project proposal must be concise, limited to three single-spaced pages with one-inch margins and a font size of 12 points. Figures should be inline with the text, and are considered part of the page limit while the bibliography is not part of the three-page limit. Please outline the project's impetus, goals, participant roles, and timeline. Proposals that do not meet these requirements will not be reviewed.
Proposal should specifically address how the research is relevant to climate science and/or policy.
Proposals that have already been submitted to an extramural agency should include the panel or review executive summary and an explanation for how this proposal will address the concerns of the extramural agency. The review summary from a previous grant submission will not count against the overal page limit.
One page maximum in PDF format only.
Please describe how you will use the funds if your project is selected. Grant funds cannot be used for: travel that is not directly related to project research (e.g., conferences cannot be supported by this grant), consultants, tuition, or office equipment (including computers), unless specifically justified.
Please upload the CV of all PIs and Co-PIs in a single PDF.
One page maximum in a single PDF. Provide a specific plan for the development of the extramural proposal. This proposal serves as the final report for the project and must be completed within 1 year of completion of the seed grant.
- Program: Indicate from which extramural support programs you will be seeking support. List specific programs and why you anticipate that the research supported by this seed grant will leverage external support. Which grant submission deadline will you be targeting?
- Objectives: What will be the thrust of the proposal and how is this specifically supported by this seed funding? What is the application area you will be targeting, and what is the societal impact of the work you will be proposing?
- Team: Who will be involved at this university and others? Briefly describe their skills related to the project. More people can be involved in your final proposal team than are included on the seed grant.
If the review panel decides they need additional context, please recommend 2-3 reviewers (including contact information) who would be able to speak to the project's relevance in your field. Please upload in a single PDF.