
2024 Wilkes Climate Prize Application

By filling out this form you are submitting your first round application to the 2024 Wilkes Center Climate Prize at the University of Utah. First round submissions are due February 29, 2024.

2024 Wilkes Launch Prize Application
Name (Primary applicant)
Name (Primary applicant)
Name (Co-applicant, if applicable)
Name (Co-applicant, if applicable)
0 of 100 max words
Provide a high-level summary of the proposed climate solution, including the potential impact and key innovations proposed.
0 of 500 max words
Describe the climate solution proposed, including concrete technical details on sector, approach, region, innovation relative to other solutions in the sector, and plan for deployment and scaling up wherever possible.
0 of 600 max words
Detail the primary goals and outcomes of the proposed climate solution. These outcomes should aim to address the three selection criteria of climate impact, feasibility, and co-benefits. Provide concrete and quantitative estimates wherever possible and an estimated timeline for each goal.
0 of 300 max words
Briefly describe the relevant background and expertise of the individual, team, or organization presenting the climate solution, including key members who will lead the development and implementation of the proposed climate solution.
0 of 100 max words
Provide an estimated budget, including a brief breakdown between infrastructure and personnel costs, for how a $500,000 climate prize would drive the climate solution to the impact proposed above.
If your submission is selected in the second round could your team attend the in-person pitch event at the Wilkes Climate Summit at the University of Utah on May 14th and 15th, 2024? (travel and accommodation costs would be reimbursed)
Do you consent to share your contact information with potential investors? By applying to the Wilkes Launch Prize, you may also have opportunities to network with potential investors who are interested in financially supporting innovative climate solutions.  At the same time, we understand and respect any concerns applicants may have about keeping proprietary ideas confidential.    Let us know if you agree to allow your name (Primary Applicant), your organization name, your summary statement, and your email address (Primary Applicant) to be shared with potential investors.  If you do not want to allow this information to be shared, please indicate DO NOT share.
How did you hear about the Prize?