
21: Coexisting with Wildlife in a Changing Climate


Austin Green is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Biology with the College of Science’s Science Research Initiative, or SRI program.  His specialty is using camera traps to monitor and capture image data of wildlife in wilderness areas. His research involves gathering data to study wild animal behavior, their movement patterns, and how human […]

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20: Mapping the Infestation of Balsam Woolly Adelgid in Utah Forests


If you’ve taken a hike or a drive through northern Utah’s forests recently, you may have noticed that some areas of the forests are changing and looking a little sick.  Northern Utah’s forests are increasingly experiencing an infestation of a tiny non-native insect called balsam woolly adelgid (or BWA), that’s slowly attacking subalpine fir which are […]

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19: The Significance of Ancient Roman Concrete for a Decarbonizing World


For this episode we talk with Dr. Marie Jackson a Research Professor in the Geology & Geophysics department here at the University of Utah. Dr. Jackson’s work is centered in mineralogy, pyroclastic volcanism, and material science, but she applies her work to the realms of engineering, archeology, and more. She’s done a lot of pioneering work […]

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18: How Great Salt Lake Bird Migrations Are Changing


Zoe Exelbert studies birds at the Great Salt Lake. Specifically, she’s interested in how climate change and shifting weather patterns are affecting bird migrations and in turn, how this is impacting the overall ecosystem of Great Salt Lake. Exelbert is a Data Science and environmental studies undergraduate student here at the U.  She says understanding […]

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16: Urban Plants + Black Carbon = ?


For this  episode we talk with Dr. Alexandra Ponette-Gonzalez, an Associate Professor in the Department of City and Metropolitan Planning and Curator of Urban ecology at the Natural History Museum of Utah. Ponette-Gonzalez’s work focuses primarily on urban ecology.  She studies forests and trees and how they interact with the atmosphere and urban environments. She’s […]

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15: Talking with the Wildfire Hackathon Winners


The Wilkes Center held its second annual Climate Solutions Hackathon on January 26th.  This was not a coding “hackathon” but a competition to find innovative solutions to the daunting challenges of climate change-driven wildfires. U students were asked to form teams, choose one of five themes to focus their solution, and accomplish this in 24 […]

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13: Can We Bury Modern CO₂ in Utah’s Ancient Sand?


One of the many challenges facing the world in the coming decades to reach carbon neutrality – in order for climate change to stabilize – is the challenge of both capturing and sequestering carbon dioxide that is emitted from power plants and putting it underground.  This is what is called Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage. […]

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12: Making Sense of How VOCs Impact Air Pollution and Climate


Understanding how volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that originate from living organisms like trees and plants could  influence climate change and air pollution is an important area of research.   Recently I had the opportunity to sit down and talk with Alfred Mayhew, who is postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences here at the U.  […]

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